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@ThinkCollab Group

Public·116 members

Hi everyone,

I had this question prior to Symposium and then Ellie's topic reinforced the idea: Does anyone have a feedback tool that is used after the completion of the AS Foundation Seminar to gain input from the event organizer or organizational leaders (they would have to be participants)? I'm looking for something that could provide feedback on my presentation style/effectiveness, as well as initial thoughts on content, how the group is internalizing the material, their thoughts for follow-up support, etc.

If you have anything to share, I would appreciate it. If not, I may create something and ask for some feedback if anyone's interested in helping me create something.



Carolee Hayes
Carolee Hayes
Jan 24, 2022

I have one that we used to use. Since I wasn't able to be at Symposium, I don't know if it is compatible with Ellie's message. You could certainly modify it. I don't know how to attach it here or if we can do that. Let me know your email and I can send it to you.


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