We present an Outstanding Research Award for both Cognitive Coaching℠ and Adaptive Schools℠ each year to promote the scholarly study of the theory and practice of both bodies of work and deepen the supportive research base.
Awards Presented Each January
in the following areas
Masters Theses ● Doctoral Dissertations ● Classroom-Based Research ● Independent Research
Submissions due by December 1
to Jenny Edwards, jedwards@fielding.edu
Outstanding Research Award
Criteria & Additional Information
Click the links below to download research resources
Conducting Action Research On the Effects of Cognitive Coaching℠ and Adaptive Schools℠ - A guide by Jenny Edwards, PhD
Use the Instruments for Conducting Research download here
Adaptive Schools℠ Research Award criteria and requirements download here
Cognitive Coaching℠ Research Award criteria and requirements download here
Questions? Email Jenny Edwards, PhD at jedwards@fielding.edu

January 2024 - 18th Edition
Cognitive Coaching℠: A Synthesis of the Research
What are some of the reasons to implement Cognitive Coaching℠? What are some of the benefits it will bring to my school district? How will coaching help teachers in the district improve their practice? What are some of the ways that students in our school system will benefit? These are all important questions, the answers to which are revealed in research.

Jenny Edwards, PhD

October 2014
Cognitive Coaching℠: A Synthesis of the Research
Based on the synthesis of research, these slides present research-based reasons for implementing Cognitive Coaching℠. Additionally, the slides provide recommendations for schools to ensure maximum return on the investment of implementing Cognitive Coaching℠.

Jenny Edwards, PhD

January 2003
Cognitive Coaching℠ in Retrospect: Why It Persists
Based on the synthesis of research, these slides present research-based reasons for implementing Cognitive Coaching℠. Additionally, the slides provide recommendations for schools to ensure maximum return on the investment of implementing Cognitive Coaching℠.

Arthur L. Costa, Ed.D.
Robert J. Garmston, Ed.D.

November 2004
The Process of Becoming and Helping Others to Become: A Grounded Theory Study
This study explores the impact Cognitive Coaching℠ training had on educators "Becoming" in their lives. Learn the five areas in the process of Becoming and how learning coaching skills supported the educators and their peers.