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Desert Highway
Thoughtful writing authored and shared by members of of the Thinking Collaborative community to support others on the journey.

Sustaining the Journey

Cognitive Shift: Efficacy

Authored By:

Thinking Collaborative


January 28, 2013

This week we will continue consideration of the invitation to cognitive shift with an emphasis on efficacy.  A key facet of efficacy is an internal locus of control.  Many teachers and other professionals today have been discouraged by environmental factors such as mandates, political tensions, changing demographics, and budget cuts, leaving them feeling helpless and sometimes hopeless.

An effective coach will invite the professional to explore areas where s/he has control.  We always have control of our lives, even if it is only in the arena of our attitudes and responses to external issues.  Some examples of questions to invite cognitive shift in the area of efficacy are:

How have you dealt with similar situations in the past?

What might be some things you do have control of?

What are some resources you have in yourself that will serve you in responding to this situation?

As you listen this week for low efficacy, draw on your consciousness in asking questions that promote self-directedness.  At the end of the week, take a few moments to reflect on the impact of your coaching.

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