Thoughtful writing authored and shared by members of of the Thinking Collaborative community to support others on the journey.
Sustaining the Journey
Authored By:
Thinking Collaborative
April 08, 2019
Thirty-five years ago, Costa and Garmston developed Cognitive Coaching as a theoretical framework for supporting self-directedness and developing cognitive capacity. At the center of the work are the Five States of Mind. Wellman and Garmston applied the States of Mind concept to groups and referred to them as Energy Sources. As students of this work, these five concepts serve as a framework for analyzing the internal resources of both individuals and groups.
This month, we offer a review and strategies for intervening with each of the States of Mind/Energy Sources.
In the original work of Costa and Garmston, Craftsmanship was labeled, “Precision.” In expanding that title to Craftsmanship, they broadened the meaning to include a disposition for persistence and excellence. This State of Mind/Energy Source assumes a constant striving toward continuous improvement. Teams value data and manage it along with their time and resources. Craftsmanship is personified in great artists and athletes. Craftsmanship without flexibility can become perfectionism.
Both individuals and groups who have high craftsmanship pay close attention to the criteria they use for making decisions. Often bringing criteria to consciousness leads to greater craftsmanship.
What are the criteria you are consciously using in making this decision?
What data might you need to consider in moving forward?
How are time and resources impacting your work?
What might be some indicators it is time to refine the work you have done?
As you consider your own work, what factors contribute to your own craftsmanship? How do you support greater craftsmanship in students and colleagues?