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Desert Highway
Thoughtful writing authored and shared by members of of the Thinking Collaborative community to support others on the journey.

Sustaining the Journey


Authored By:

Thinking Collaborative


January 19, 2015

Based on the research of Kahneman and Tversky, the authors describe four common shortcuts we take as individuals. Next week we will begin to explore how these manifest themselves in groups. The four are:

1)The Planning Fallacy is when individuals underestimate the time and cost for a

project. Common Core implementation is probably a good example of this.

2) Availablity thinking causes us to jump on our most recent experiences as they are most accessible in our memories. So instead of taking a historical perspective and reflecting on past learnings, we act on our immediate short-term memory.

3) The Egocentric bias leads us to distort the extent to which our perspective is typical for others. We make assumptions as if they are true for others. We look at situations and, without checking, believe others are thinking like us and act on those beliefs.

4) Framing effects how we perceive a situation. For example, we are more likely to agree to a program that suggests 90% of students benefited than we are to a program suggesting 10% of students showed no gains.

Consider the work of your PLC or another group that has clear goals and targets. Which of these might be biases that are interfering with your best decision-making. How does mediating the States of Mind and Energy Sources lessen the effects of these very common patterns?


Sunstein, C. & Hastie, R. (2014). Making Dumb Groups Smarter. Harvard Business Review, p. 90-98.

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