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Desert Highway
Thoughtful writing authored and shared by members of of the Thinking Collaborative community to support others on the journey.

Sustaining the Journey

Finding Eight

Authored By:

Thinking Collaborative


August 19, 2013

As leaders in systems, it is important that have clarity about the rationale behind an emphasis and commitment to Cognitive CoachingSM. Twenty+ years of research guides us in being able to articulate the importance and impact of Cognitive CoachingSM. Thinking Collaborative is grateful to Jenny Edwards for her ongoing efforts to synthesize and document the research on Cognitive CoachingSM. Each week for July and August, we will focus on one of the nine findings in the research.

Finding Eight: School cultures became more professional.

Professionalism includes many facets of a teacher’s attitudes toward their work. What do you think of when you think of a highly professional teacher? How might those qualities be enhanced through coaching? How has coaching impacted your own perspectives on your professionalism? A full report of the research may be purchased at our website.

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