Thoughtful writing authored and shared by members of of the Thinking Collaborative community to support others on the journey.
Sustaining the Journey
The Four Hats of Shared Leadership - Presenting
Authored By:
Thinking Collaborative
March 19, 2019
armston and Wellman (2016) explain the Four Hats of Shared Leadership in this way:
In adaptive schools, all the players learn to “wear all four hats,” or play four roles. By all players we mean administrators, teachers, support staff, students, and, when appropriate, parents. In such schools, all the players must have the knowledge and skills to manage themselves and influence and lead others. Leadership is a function, not a role and is a shared function in meetings, staff development activities, action research, and classrooms. Recognizing the “hats” and knowing when and how to change them is shared knowledge within the organization” (p. 33).
Presenting. To present is to teach. A presenter’s goals are to extend and enrich knowledge, skills, or attitudes and to enable these to be applied in people’s work. A presenter may adopt many stances — expert, colleague, novice, or friend — and use many strategies of presentation — lectures, cooperative learning, study groups, or simulations. Touchstones of effective presentations include clarity of instructional outcomes, of standards for success, and ways to assess learning” (p.34).
No matter your position in your school, how might you serve as a presenter to extend and enrich knowledge, skills, or attitudes? How might you help these to be applied in people’s work?
What are some of the skills, tools, and structures you have learned in Cognitive Coachingsm or Adaptive Schools that would support you in this function?
What might be some of the opportunities that you might capitalize on to take on the leadership role of presenting?
What were some of the qualities of successful and enjoyable presenters that you might want to emulate in your own presentations?