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Desert Highway
Thoughtful writing authored and shared by members of of the Thinking Collaborative community to support others on the journey.

Sustaining the Journey

The Planning Conversation Map—Approaches, Strategies, Decisions

Authored By:

Thinking Collaborative


November 11, 2013

This week we continue a review of the Planning Conversation Map.

Clarify goals

Specify success indicators and a plan for collecting evidence

Anticipate approaches, strategies, decisions and how to monitor them

Establish personal learning focus and processes for self-assessment

Reflect on the coaching processand explore refinements

The third region is focused on assisting the planner in having specific means to achieve the end they described as goals and success indicators. The amount of time the coach spends on this region will vary depending on the individual. Often experienced teachers have many strategies in their repertoire and need to spend little time here. The opposite may be true for a novice teacher. A field independent may want to plan in specific detail while a field dependent might not require the same level of detail. The important thing for the coach to remember is to be certain the planner feels comfortable with a plan that leads to action. Some possible questions for this region include:

What might be some of the things you will consider about your students as you plan the lesson?

What instructional strategies could best match your goal?

What things will you be paying attention to as the meeting progresses?

What are some of the steps you will go through in delivering this inservice?

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