Training Associates
Adaptive Schools & Cognitive Coaching SM

A global community of collaborators, mediators of thinking, inquirers, and leaders committed to providing rich learning experiences for all participants.
Gavin Grift
Gavin Grift is the Founder and CEO of Grift Education. Gavin's passion, commitment, humour and highly engaging style have made him one of Australia's most in-demand presenters. Through his keynotes, seminars, and coaching services, Gavin connects with national and international audiences on how to cultivate authentic collaboration, build success in others and genuinely commit to reflective practice. His belief in the development of defined professional autonomy for educators both challenge and connect the head and heart of his audiences.
Having taught in schools and coached educators for over 25 years, Gavin understands the specific challenges teachers face. He is one of Thinking Collaborative's Cognitive Coaching Training Associates, having delivered the Cognitive Coaching SeminarSM for the past 10 years, working across three continents. More recently, he has used his passion and belief in what educational leaders do, collaborating with Jane Danvers and Heather DeBlasio, to design the Five Ways of Being leadership program, focusing on leaders who feel ill-prepared, overwhelmed, and sometimes lack confidence in the impact they're making.
As a leading Hawker Brownlow Education author he has combined his beliefs, research and experiences on the importance of collaboration and coaching to co-author numerous books including 5 Ways of Being, Teachers as Architects of Learning, Transformative Talk, and Transformative Collaboration.
+61 (0) 3 8686 9077