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@ThinkCollab Group

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Hello everyone,

Please consider the request from Lucinda Wolters pasted below. We have very little research around Adaptive Schools and Lucinda's study would significantly add to our base.

We appreciate any help you can offer!!



From Lucinda:

I am super enthusiastic to be at a point in which I can proceed with my qualitative study on Adaptive Schools. I hope this study can be beneficial to the Thinking Collaborative community and the important leadership work of school principals.

With your support and some Training Associates, I have been able to connect with some potential participants. Thank you. However, I am needing more candidates at this time. More specifically, I am seeking current North American school principals who have taken the Foundations and Advanced Adaptive Schools Seminars to be participants in this study.

Might you be able to send this out to Training Associates and Agency Trainers, who may know of potential candidates for my study? Please see below. I sincerely appreciate your consideration for this.

Best wishes.



Invitation to Participate My name is Lucinda Wolters, and I am a Doctor of Education candidate working under the supervision of Rick Ginsberg and Lisa Wolf-Wendel in the Department of Education at the University of Kansas. I also am currently the Principal of Arden Elementary School in the Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada. As part of my doctoral dissertation, I am conducting a study on school principals and the influence of Adaptive Schools Training. The purpose of this study is to understand how the Adaptive Schools training has potentially influenced the development of principals’ leadership identity. Given your position as a school principal in North America, who has also taken the Foundations and Advanced Adaptive Schools training, I feel that you are well suited to provide insight into this topic and I would like to invite you to participate in this study. If you decide to volunteer for this study, your participation will consist of a one-on-one semi-structured interview via Zoom that will take approximately 60-75 minutes of your time. With your permission, I would like to video record the interview to ensure accurate transcription and analysis. If you would like to participate, I’ve attached the informed consent form to be completed prior to the interview. Please email me at If you require additional information to assist you in reaching a decision about participation, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Lucinda Wolters Doctoral Candidate, University of Kansas Principal, Arden Elementary School Comox Valley Schools, BC, Canada

Doreen Merola
Carolee Hayes
Carolee Hayes
Jul 20, 2021

I can certainly help with this. Thanks for sharing this.



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