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@ThinkCollab Group

Public·116 members

Greetings and I hope you all are doing well. I am reaching out to our community for some wise suggestions regarding a participant who is deaf and will be participating in the Cognitive Coaching Seminar this fall. I have had this happen once in all my years of providing this training but it has been a long time. I am wondering if any of you have had this opportunity recently and what suggestions you might provide me so this can be a terrific learning opportunity for this individual. I have started by suggesting purchasing the CC sourcebook prior to the seminar which will start in September. The source book can then be shared with the interpreters. What other suggestions might you offer if you have has this experience? Thank You!

Carolee Hayes
Carolee Hayes
Apr 13, 2022

Jane and I trained at the New Mexico School for the deaf and learned so much. It is important to establish a relationship with the interpreters early on so they can meet everyone's needs. Some words like "holonomy" will need to be finger spelled since there is no sign for them. This takes longer and requires you to slow down a bit. By Day 8, the group had established a sign for words like this, but that may not happen with just an individual. Visual access to lips is important so you will need to pay attention to where you stand. Participants might need some tips on rapport if they tend to talk to the interpreter rather than the person, in practice. They should be in rapport with the participant even though they may be looking at the interpreter. Things will take longer. It is important to do checks with interpreter and participant to see what needs might be unmet


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