A podcast, "Leaders Coaching Leaders" that you might might enjoy. Lots of connections to our work. FOCUS: Adaptive Challenges, Collective Efficacy, Confirmation Bias--Jennie Donohoo & Steven Katz
In this episode Donahoo and Katz help listeners see that many decisions have both a technical and adaptive aspect to them. They ask listeners to reflect on unhelpful stories, bogus barriers, overconfidence, and other behaviors that need interruption. They also implore leaders to get comfortable with discomfort because it is the only way to get good ideas to stick.
LINK: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/adaptive-challenges-collective-efficacy-confirmation/id1556865385?i=1000612118086
Thank you Steve for sharing this link. It is definitely worth listening to and speaks so much of the work we do in Cognitive Coaching and Adaptive Schools. Loved it!!!