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Last one for today! In the February 2021 Educational Leadership, there is an article entitled, "Five Professional Learning Transformations for a Post-COVID World" by Douglas Reeves. Some interesting quotes that apply to our work:

"A review of the research on practices that lead to learning (Killian, 2009) noted that deliberate practice - practice that is motivated by a compelling desire to improve, requires extra effort, is sustained over a long period of time, and is accompanied by feedback - can result in significant learning for adults and students." (p. 45) Disclaimer: I have not read the original study by Killion so I cannot verify the integrity of the original research. But, this quote can certainly present another reason to advocate for coaching versus traditional workshops.

"Teachers and administrators need comprehensive and personalized assessment, training, and continual support. The best way I have seen this delivered is not through one-size-fits-all workshops, but one-on-one coaching support." (p. 46)

p. 47 - The 4th transformation is "From Evaluation to Coaching" I won't include the two paragraphs but the idea is administrators need to coach more and evaluate less because evaluation does not lead to better performance.



Carolee Hayes
Carolee Hayes
Jun 13, 2021

Carol Sanford's new book, No More Feedback, offers important insights.


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