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@ThinkCollab Group

Public·116 members

Greetings all!

We hope your are doing well.

We hope this information about Thinking Collaborative Symposium will assist you as you make plans.

Please find a schedule attached to this post. There is also very important information for trainer reauthorization below.

  • We will convene Thursday, January 20, for our Cognitive CoachingSM Trainers Meeting.

  • Thursday evening, we will connect as a community with a social hour/cash bar and our annual Thinking Collaborative dinner. If you have registered/paid for Symposium, you are welcome to join us for the festivities! (FYI--registration for Symposium pays for your evening meal.)

  • Friday, January 21, will be our 10th Annual Thinking Collaborative Symposium. Ellie Drago-Severson will be our keynote speaker. Ellie's bio and keynote description will up on our website soon.

  • Breakout sessions will follow on Friday afternoon. Please consider offering a session!

  • Saturday, January 22, will be our Adaptive Schools Trainers meeting. We will adjourn at 2:30.

PLEASE NOTE: Trainers’ authorizations were extended by the Co-Directors to January 2022. On January 23, 2022, all authorizations will expire (February 13, 2022 for international schools). If you intend to continue to train Cognitive CoachingSM and/or Adaptive Schools, attendance at Denver Symposium will extend your authorization to January 2024. Registration information is now live! Registration information is being updated, as information is available, but available here:

Online registration will close Friday, January 7, 2022. After January 7, please email Lisa Joseph directly to register (

All our best to you,

Lisa, Doreen, and Carol


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